COVID-19 Testing: What You Should Know

COVID-19 Testing: What You Should Know

 Monday, May 11, 2020 |  Views:1,698 |  Posted by: Michelle Volk |  Reading Time: 2 Minutes, 4 Seconds |  Article Tags: 

Spring 2020 will be remembered for masks, isolation, and uncertainty. COVID-19 has disrupted our way of life…but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Little by little, we are starting to reopen society. It is exciting, but many are concerned about a resurgence of coronavirus infections. High-risk individuals, such as immune-compromised patients and older adults, might be wary about the disease spreading as restrictions are lifted. Loved ones and caregivers of those who are in the high-risk category have understandable concerns, as well.

Great Lakes Labs is proud to provide COVID-19 confirmatory testing to the Northwest Indiana community. The test can determine infections in individuals showing symptoms and those who are asymptomatic. This test is a useful tool for those who have signs of COVID-19 and those who don’t have symptoms, but might have been exposed. The results are especially useful for caregivers and people in the high-risk category. Testing is also beneficial for essential workers due to their lack of social isolation.

As we return to our jobs, gyms, clubs, and churches, there might be an increase in the amount of coronavirus cases. When a person is sick, they should remain at home. However, different kinds of illnesses will also spread, such as the common cold and seasonal flu. Allergies also come in to play, especially during spring! Some symptoms might mirror those of COVID-19. If you have questions about health, reach out to your primary care provider. There is also a useful test on the CDC website that you can look at by CLICKING HERE. Symptoms of COVID-19 typically include fever, tiredness, dry cough, and difficulty breathing.

The testing offered at Great Lakes Labs is a Food and Drug Administration-approved genetic test that confirms the presence of the COIVD-19 virus. It also confirms the presence of 21 other upper respiratory viruses, such as influenza A & B, SARS, H1N1 and Legionnaires' Disease.

If you are interested in being tested for coronavirus, it takes about an hour and is completed right in the laboratory at 1051 Transport Drive in Valparaiso. Call ahead for any questions and concerns. Call Local: (219) 464-8885 or Toll Free: (888) 464-8885. You can also email:

Michelle Volk