GLL Staff Member Becomes Narcan Certified

GLL Staff Member Becomes Narcan Certified

 Wednesday, October 31, 2018 |  Views:2,922 |  Posted by: Michelle Volk |  Reading Time:  |  Article Tags: 

On October 25, 2018, Great Lakes Labs’ staff member, Taye Leftridge, became certified in administering and training to administer Narcan in an emergency overdose situation. As a part of her training, she has to, in turn, train others. S.A.F.E (Supporting Addiction Free Environments), a coalition out of Lake County Indiana, will provide Narcan Kits and certificates to all who attend the training. The more that we can train and make aware of how to deal with an overdose, the more lives we can save. If you are interested in this training, please contact Taye at 

Michelle Volk