Forensic Testing

Forensic Toxicology

When cause of death analysis is required, you can rely on our laboratory to perform testing utilizing our scientific expertise. Sample analysis can be performed on post mortem fluids as well as tissues.

When testing is necessary to conclude whether impaired driving is an issue, our facility is capable of analyzing and reporting within an expedient, cost effective time frame.

Traffic stops, undercover units and industry may need at times to submit evidence for analysis. The laboratory is able to assist in the detection of unknown samples including powders, pills, plant material, needles, liquids, and paraphernalia. (Contact the laboratory with questions)


There are extensive measures in place to ensure the integrity of each sample submitted to Great Lakes Labs. Customers are provided with:

  • Complete collection materials and instructions
  • Leak proof and secure sample containers
  • Secure transportation
Speciman Tube
Great Lakes Labs'
procedures have never
been challenged
successfully in
a court of law.